Sinclair, Townes & Company fundraising seminars will help you achieve your own bar charts of fundraising success. We’ve been training some of the best fundraisers in major giving and planned giving for 40 years!
Sinclair, Townes & Company fundraising seminars and workshops provide you and your volunteers with the education, training and competitive edge to succeed in nonprofit development and advancement.
We provide training and continuing education for fund raising staff, non-profit board members and other volunteers.
Want to learn more about planned giving, capital and endowment campaigns, major giving, fund raising trends, and how to secure transformational gifts? Then sign up to bring us to your office!
planned giving 101 seminar (2 day seminar, offering 10.5 hours of continuing education)
Without a successful planned giving program, your institution or organization could be losing millions of dollars. Individuals are living longer and leaving more and more of their assets to charitable institutions and organizations through bequests, charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, and other planned gifts.
This two-day seminar is perfect for those interested in adding planned giving to their overall development programs, starting new planned giving programs, or seeking to revitalize existing programs. After this seminar, you will have the background to begin marketing and closing both current and deferred planned gifts.
Two-day seminar cost: $4,500 plus travel expenses.
Calder Sinclair is an attorney, President of Sinclair, Townes & Company, and the former Director of the Estate Planning Program for Emory University. He is the former national president of the Omicron Delta Kappa Foundation and a member of the State Bar of Georgia and The Florida Bar.
“Past seminar participants have said:
”I’d heard this information before [from other planned giving seminars from other presenters] but it was the first time I really ‘got it’!”
”Particularly effective were the typical donor profiles for different planned gifts.”
”This was GREAT! I feel so much more empowered to speak to my donors about planned giving options now.””
Planned Giving 101 Seminar topics include:
• Establishing your planned giving program
• Making your present planned giving program more productive
• Gifts of cash, securities, real estate and tangible personal property
• Gifts by Will
• Bargain sales
• Bequests
• Charitable gift annuities
• Charitable remainder unitrusts
• Charitable reminder annuity trusts
• Charitable lead trusts
• Gifts of life insurance
• Planned giving websites
• Federal estate and gift tax
• Case studies and hypotheticals
• Motivation of the planned giving donor
• Matrix of planned giving opportunities
• Who are the best planned giving suspects and prospects?
• Researching the planned giving donor
• Closing the planned gift
• Continuing cultivation techniques
• How to have repeat donors
• Use of board members and other volunteers
• Planned giving “centers of influence”
• Establishing a planned giving council or committee
• Managing the planned gift
• Advertising
• Planned giving seminars and workshops
• Planned giving publications
• Evaluating your planned giving program
Major Gifts & Capital Campaigns 101 Seminar (1 day seminaR, offering 6.5 hours of continuing education)
If your institution or organization is considering a capital campaign, large or small, this seminar will help you in the most critical phase: before the campaign ever kicks off and before the first dollar is solicited. Successful capital campaigns not only provide significant funds to improve facilities and enlarge endowments, they also help an institution or organization take stock of itself.
No capital campaign on the horizon? Then, schedule this seminar to develop and improve your major gifts program.
One-day seminar cost: $1,750 plus travel expenses.
“Past seminar participants have said:
”This is my third seminar - they are always great!”
”Particularly effective were the segments on solicitation and cultivation.”
”We are in the beginning stages of planning for a campaign. The seminar was helpful for us to move forward in an intelligent manner.””
Major Gifts & Capital Campaigns 101 Seminar topics include:
• How the current economic climate is affecting major gifts and campaigns
• What to ask yourself and others in your institution when you are considering a campaign
• What about board involvement? Is the Board ready?
• What is a campaign feasibility study? Why do you need one?
• Do you need campaign counsel? How do you find the right consultant?
• What is a case statement?
• Planning and budgeting your campaign/program
• How to deal with your annual fund
• Campaign and major gifts leadership: a cornerstone
• How to identify, evaluate and assign prospects
• Training volunteers in solicitation techniques
• The “care and feeding” of volunteers
• “Top Down” and “Inside Out” fund raising
• Establishing named gift opportunities and recognition policies
• How to incorporate planned giving into your campaign
• What publications will you need?
• Are you prepared to handle the gifts?
• Tips on acknowledgments and stewardship
• Kick-offs, report meetings and victory celebrations
• Life after the campaign
• Case studies and hypotheticals
• Tips from successful campaigns and major gift programs
• Ideas for incorporating internet resources into your campaign/major gifts program
After this one-day seminar, you will better understand if your institution or organization is ready for a capital campaign and the steps necessary to make your efforts successful.
sinclair, townes & company SEMINARs
Seminar fees include consulting with you prior to the seminar to personalize it to your particular objectives + the comprehensive seminar manual (approximately 100 pages).
For additional information, please contact